TEST SATSUMAS plant stand with 5 plant pots, £30

SATSUMAS plant stand with 5 plant pots, £30

TEST KRYDDA cultivation unit, £19

KRYDDA cultivation unit, £19

TEST BITTERGURKA plant holder with LED cultivation bulb, £35

BITTERGURKA plant holder with LED cultivation bulb, £35

  • words:

A box of delights

There is a particular joy in returning to visit a home you have seen only very much in the ‘before’ stage. In this case, the last time I saw Kimberley Watson’s flat in a Regency terrace on Hastings Old Town...

Anatomy of a kitchen

Jones Britain The vision In a large space, in the middle of a converted barn, the homeowners were looking for a contemporary but traditionally inspired kitchen, with up-to-date functionality.  A working kitchen with a mass of storage, which is a...

The new kitchen mood

Whether you prefer a country feel, or a more contemporary vibe, there is a fresh new mood in kitchen design, packed with great practical ideas. Trends in kitchens move much more slowly than in other areas of the house. Not...