The Weald of Kent Computer Club

Dates: Monthly, throughout the year

Location, time & cost: New Village Hall, Biddenden, 7.30-9.30pm, guest members £3 per evening: free on first visit, full members £10 annually and £2 per evening

The club is formed mainly of people who have completed a course in basic computing and wish to continue to extend their learning, but new members of all abilities are always welcome. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of most months where a guest speaker will demonstrate a particular facet of computing. Have a look at the Events’ page for details and dates of monthly meetings.

Info & booking: /

ASA Adult Swimming Framework

The ASA Adult Framework is targeted at people over the age of 14. Flexibity and sociability are cornerstones of the framework with an emphasis on swimming lesson providers offering wider opportunities to improve your swimming. As well as providing ASA Level 2 qualified teachers, pools or swim schools offering adult swimming lessons should offer the following if supporting the framework:

• Dry land swimming introduction • Lessons to help combat nervousness • Total beginner lessons (based on Stages 1-3 of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework) • Improver lessons (based on Stages 4-5 of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework) • Swimming stroke lessons (based on Stage 6 and above of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework) • Access to pool-side Swimfit sessions • Social swimming networks • Swim buddies • Access to swimming clubs • Adult certificates to reward progress

Info & booking: visit to find a participating pool near you


BBC Adult Learners

The BBC offers a range of web-based learning programmes from cookery and singing to languages and number skills. See for more information on the range available. We liked the look of the ‘languages’ section which gives access to a wealth of vocab lists, online video lessions and explanations of grammar, along with information on how to sign up for local courses.

The University of the Third Age (U3A)

U3A is a fantastic organisation which provides life-enhancing and life-changing learning opportunities for retired and semi-retired people. Meetings aren’t about working towards qualifications, but rather for the pure enjoyment and rewards that come from discovering something new. Members share their skills and life experiences whether they are related to art, music and history or life sciences, philosophy and computing. On average, a typical U3A has about 250 members but could be as small as 12 and as large as 2000. For those unable to access conventional courses (due to restricted mobility etc) there’s also the opportunity to take part in short courses online, developed by experienced tutors and course leaders.

Info & booking:

Silversmithing Summer School

Dates: 7 days from 22-29 August

Location, time & cost: West Dean College, nr Chichester, 9.15-5pm (residential places also available), £627 (5% online discount)

This is a subject focused course that is delivered to suit any level of experience from beginner to advanced practitioner. Tutor John Norgate will help you to develop new skills and further develop those previously gained. Tuition is given on a one-to-one basis and the techniques covered are: raising and planishing, seamed and raised (symmetrical and asymmetrical), scoring, fabrication, use of the Bonny Doon press; making a joint (hinge), book, flush, sprung and appropriate catches; assembly by soldering rivets or screw threads. The tutor is available to discuss, prior to the course, your design, or what you wish to attain from the course and will advise on the sizes of material needed, as this will save valuable time when the course begins, and source specialist tools where necessary.

Info & booking: 01243 811301

Oxford University Summer School for Adults (OUSSA)

Dates: 12 July to 9 August 2014

Location & cost: Rewley House, £610 (non-residential) from £1055 (residential)

The prestigious university offers a choice of 44 accredited one-week courses in a variety of subjects. Join people from the UK, Europe and further afield for enjoyable, yet serious study with some of the finest tutors in the country. Each OUSSA weeks starts on a Saturday with an introductory meeting in the Lecture Theatre, followed by your first seminar. From Sunday to Friday, seminar groups will meet up in the mornings, with afternoons generally left free for private studies. Meet interesting people, develop new ideas and allow yourself time to think.

Info & booking:

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