Adding fun, broadening horizons and creating well-rounded pupils – extra curriculars are thriving at Marlborough House School

School life extends well beyond the classroom at Marlborough House, where co-curricular activity afternoons have been introduced in the Prep-School aimed at increasing the enrichment opportunities available during the school day. Headmaster, Mr Newton says, “Activity afternoons provide pupils with the opportunity to develop different skills, boost confidence and ignite a love of learning through a new hobby”.
This term, pupils have the choice of joining Young Farmers, who go on trips to local farms, play water polo in the school pool, grow produce in the polytunnel, bake delicious treats, develop their photography skills and more, all within the school day. It’s a school-wide approach, with the Pre-Prep pupils also restructuring their day to incorporate co-curricular afternoons, giving children the freedom and time to lead their learning and flourish through music, art, drama, eco school, forest school, STEM and IT. Building co-curricular afternoons ensures that this important part of the ‘hidden’ curriculum takes centre stage. Head of Pre-Prep, Rebecca Reid says, “The launch of the co-curricular afternoons in Years 1 and 2 has allowed the whole timetable in Pre-Prep to really expand and come into its own.”
Beyond the school day, the Clubs Programme also offers a wealth of opportunities for pupils from Reception to Year 8. This term, old favourites like chess, needlework and golf are complemented by acro dance, cartoon drawing, go-kart building and drop-in jam sessions for musicians – ensuring there is something for everyone.
Through this layering of co-curricular activities and clubs, the school is able to provide pupils with a broad set of experiences and give them the space to develop their knowledge and understanding in areas that interest them as individuals. This ties into Marlborough’s holistic approach to character education; supporting pupils as they develop their toolbox full of life skills, to equip them for senior school and beyond.
Find out more about Marlborough House

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