The team at Hilden Oaks Nursery, talk through their early years offerings and how their younger pupils are prepared for joining big school

Can you tell us a bit about your nursery?The Hilden Oaks Nursery offers outstanding, unique and flexible care for children from the age of three months. Our vibrant and nurturing nursery environment provides a gentle introduction to school life, allowing children to progress seamlessly through to more formal schooling in the main preparatory school. We have a strong family ethos, with the nursery forming an integral part of the whole school. At the last inspection, the school and nursery were rated as ‘Excellent’, and ‘Outstanding’ for under-two’s provision. The ISI inspector said, “A strong family atmosphere permeates the Nursery, giving a very positive sense of belonging and commitment to learning”.

How do you structure the different stages/age groups?
The children are cared for in three stages: Kindie (3 months-2 years), Kindergarten (2-3 years) and Transition (3-4 years). Initially children learn to socialise and learn through play, developing into more structured methods of learning and daily routine, giving them security and confidence when they move into Reception. Staff ratios are high, so our team of fully qualified Early Years practitioners are able to provide exceptional levels of care and individual attention for each child. 

What outdoor facilities are available?There are several outdoor spaces for the children to enjoy. For the younger children there is an enclosed garden and canopied deck, allowing free flow between indoors and outdoors whatever the weather. Transition have a wonderful new outside classroom providing a year-round learning resource. The specially designed investigation stations, story, gardening and water-play areas, enable the children to develop their skills in all areas of the Early Years Curriculum, including maths and literacy, as well as encourage personal, social and emotional development. In addition, the nursery children use other outdoor spaces on the school site including the imagination station, playing field and the pond area (closely supervised). They also have the opportunity to learn to ride bikes with CycleMeTots, on the main playground. 

What hours are available throughout the year? Can you tell us about Holiday Club.The Hilden Oaks Nursery is open from 7.45am through to 6.30pm, five days a week, fifty weeks of the year! Holiday Club normally runs throughout the Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays (apart from one week at Christmas and one week at Easter) for all children up to the age of eleven (including non-Hilden Oaks children).

There is currently a waiting list for places in the nursery, so parents are encouraged to register their interest early.
Please contact the Registrar for further information. 01732 353941 

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