Marlborough House School tell us about their recent ‘Excellent’ rating by the Independent Schools Inspectorate

Following a rigorous three-day inspection, staff and governors at Marlborough House School were delighted to be awarded the highest rating of “Excellent” in all areas, in March 2023. The Prep School was praised for the pupil’s “excellent” academic achievements, in addition to their “excellent” personal development. Feedback on the school’s individual approach was glowing, with Inspectors noting that: “Pupils of all abilities make fast progress from their individual starting points and achieve high academic standards” with pupils acquiring “excellent knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum”. The school’s modern, skills-based approach to the curriculum was also commended for enabling pupils to “develop effective skills for learning and for life”.

As a school with clear values at its core and a robust personal development programme, it is no surprise that Inspectors found that: “Pupils of all ages show high levels of self-knowledge, self-confidence, determination and resilience”. Marlborough House’s ethos centres around ‘Valuing Self and Others’ and the report repeatedly identified pupils as a wonderful combination of “confident” and “respectful”. Indeed, in interviews with Inspectors, children themselves described the pupil body as “incredibly friendly, kind and respectful”.

Mr Newton, Head of Marlborough House thanked the school community for their support: “We are very proud of our pupils and this remarkable recognition that they have received. A huge thank you goes to our talented and committed staff and the whole school community. Next year, the school will mark its 150th anniversary and this exceptional, independent review of MHS is a wonderful starting point for our celebrations.”

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