Invaluable advice on how to help your child settle into their new setting
5 Top Tips
Sarah Nunn, the Deputy Head, Academic at Banstead Prep School, shares tips for starting at a new school or nursery
Starting school for the first time or moving to a new school can be daunting for children of any age, but preparation can help them be confident about their new environment.
Help develop independence in pre-school or reception starters – practise getting dressed and putting on their coat and shoes by themselves. Encourage older children to manage their own equipment and pack what they need for the next day.
Help younger children talk about how they are feeling so that if they feel worried, they can let an adult know. Discuss any worries e.g. knowing where the toilets are and practise asking for help.
Take every opportunity to visit and become more familiar with the school – even driving past and pointing it out can be helpful for younger children.
Appreciate that the transition is tiring and make allowances. Once school has started, make sure children have some downtime after school and get plenty of sleep.
If anything is concerning you or your child, do raise it early – communication between school and home helps everyone provide the best support.
Banstead Prep School is an independent coeducational prep school, pre-school and nursery for children aged 2 – 11.
For more info visit
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