How do you identify and encourage pupils who exhibit creative potential? 
“Small classes at Spring Grove help us to get to know every child. We keep an eye on everyone’s individual development across a broad curriculum and where a child shows particular talent we strive to provide extra opportunities for practice, demonstration and reward, working with outside clubs and tutors as appropriate.”

Aside from art and drama lessons – what other creative pursuits are studied during the school day?
“We have a rich programme that includes a Business Enterprise Day for potential entrepreneurs, a technology & IT club in which budding engineers and programmers try out their ideas, chess competitions and music ensembles that encourage improvisation and creative performance.”

How are pupils with creative achievements rewarded and developed?
“Credits, Stars and Colours are awarded for significant achievements in a multitude of disciplines including comic-writing, den-building, remote-controlled car-designing and computer programming. We find that oodles of praise brings out the confidence to ‘have a go’. Our weekly family assembly and newsletter helps to draw attention to and provide a platform for children’s achievements.”

Are pupils offered advice/prepared for a potential future creative career?
“Our strapline is ‘a great place to grow’ and our aim is to provide an opportunity for every child to develop a love of learning, the ability to express themselves articulately and the confidence to explore the world around them and take this enthusiasm forward to the next stage of their education and beyond.”

Call 01233 812337 or visit for more information

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