Mrs Therésa Jaggard, Head of Spring Grove School, chats skill sets, hobbies and school values

Why did you choose a career in teaching? I enjoyed a range of subjects at school and thought a career where I could both use my skill set and have variety would suit. I then worked as a volunteer for some youth groups and found sharing the skills I had learned with young people very satisfying. I am naturally motivational and enjoy inspiring others.

Can you tell us about an inspirational teacher from your school days? My Head of Music – she took time to recognise a talent I had and nurtured it. She also noticed when I needed support and gave me a lot of encouragement – she provided me with many opportunities and signposted me to county orchestras and choirs to further my skills. She always went above and beyond.

What do you like doing in your spare time? Music – I am a violinist, pianist and singer and enjoy making music with friends. As well as my wide-ranging musical interests, I also enjoy a variety of sports, particularly swimming and skiing – which I adore. I enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes, entertaining friends and family. I have a dog and two Siamese cats who keep me busy in my spare time.

What were you doing before accepting the headteacher position at Spring Grove School? I have had experience in both the state and independent education sectors, and most recently was Deputy Head Teacher at Leybourne St Peter and St Paul CEP Academy, where I led the school through Academy conversion. I had experience as Acting Head at Leybourne, and was also seconded by the local authority as Acting Head to another Kent school.

What do you think makes Spring Grove School special? Without doubt the strong family feel at Spring Grove, and the knowledge that the children are at the heart of everything we do. The children at Spring Grove are curious and friendly – they love learning and enjoy living. We deliberately cultivate an appetite for adventure and a tolerance for error, creating can-do people, who are able to act independently.

Can you explain a little bit about your school’s values? Our core values are summed up in the words ‘Confidence, Creativity, Consideration, Care and Curiosity’. Our expert teachers and support staff deliver an ambitious, broad, knowledge- and skills-based curriculum, where there is mastery of subjects from phonics through to the skills needed to play a musical instrument.

What’s been your proudest achievement so far? Steering the school through a pandemic – safely. I’m so proud of the team I lead; every member of the Spring Grove staff has adapted to face the many challenges that have been thrown up this year. I drive into school everyday feeling it’s my second home – which is rather lovely.

What are you looking forward to this coming school year? Having a ‘normal’ school year! I am looking forward to all the things that have been restricted recently – having whole school assemblies in the hall, inviting parents into school, engaging with the wider community. I am also excited to restart our ensembles and see the children making music together again.

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