We’ve been getting to know Ashford School’s Mr Tiley Nunn

What did you study at university? 
Having known since as long as I can remember that I wanted to be a primary school teacher, I studied Primary Education at Canterbury Christ Church University. My specialisms were PE, Science and Inclusion.

Tell us a little bit about your career so far…
I started my career at Woodbridge School, in Suffolk, splitting my time between the classroom and Games fields, as well as taking on roles leading ICT and assisting with boarding. I then moved as part of the founding team to set up Radnor House in Twickenham, where I was Assistant Head (Pastoral) and SENCo across both the Prep and Senior School. Next came a Deputy Headship at The Old School Henstead back in Suffolk. In this time, I also acted as a Regional Lead in Mathematics for a large academy. Then I took on my first headship at Norwich High School for Girls, in a period of substantial success where we were named Girls’ School of the Year and shortlisted for Prep School of the Year. Since September 2020, I have been at Ashford Prep School and I have loved every minute of my three years here so far. 

What makes you proud to head up Ashford Prep?  
We have an ethos at Ashford Prep School of ‘Always Be Caring’ and it is when I see our pupils embodying this ethos on a daily basis that I am most proud to be part of this amazing school. We challenge our pupils to not only care for themselves and others, but also to care deeply about giving their best to everything that they do.

Can you tell us about a favourite teacher from your own school days and how they shaped your experience of school? 
My favourite teacher was my physics teacher who also happened to be my headteacher, Mr. Cole. He always had time for everyone and you knew that he truly cared for all of his pupils. I still have a letter from him congratulating me for my performance as Scarecrow in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ aged 10. I went on to work for him at Woodbridge School and he was just as inspiring as a boss and is the reason why I wanted to become a headmaster.

What’s been your most memorable moment in your role at Ashford Prep so far? 
There are so many to choose from, but if I had to pick one it would be awarding our first group of Year 6 pupils their Pre-Senior Baccalaureate awards this year – these were so special because they represented a huge amount of work and dedication from our pupils to become the most rounded young people that they could possibly become.

What do you do to unwind after a busy week? 
With two small children myself, unwinding can be challenging at times. That being said, I am at my happiest when outside with my family, especially on walks with our Cocker Spaniel, Maisie. Kent has such beautiful countryside and coastlines to explore. Other than that, I love to play hockey and cricket, as well as trying to stay upright on the slopes as an enthusiastic skier.

You’re a published author – what is it about primary maths that led you to start writing? 
Being entirely honest it was my own fear and disillusionment in the subject as a pupil that made me want to write ‘How to Teach Primary Maths’. It is such a vital subject to get right and I believe that every pupil should leave primary school with an enjoyment and confidence in mathematics.

What are you looking forward to next year? 
It is difficult to pin it down to one thing but I would say that I am most looking forward to our Creative and Performing Arts programme, which has improved exponentially in the last year. We have some seriously talented and creative pupils at our school and seeing them perform with such confidence and enthusiasm is always a highlight for me.

Can you tell us your favourite book, podcast and song? 
The book is Humankind by Rutger Bregman, podcast would be Tailenders and for the song, I’d chose Islands by The xx.

To find out more about Ashford School
visit ashfordschool.co.uk

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