What are the responsibilities of being head student?

My most important responsibility is as ambassador for the school in many walks of school life – from sports to the arts. I’m also striving to deepen student connections with other Brighton College schools across the world.

What qualities do you bring to the role?

My wide-ranging interests and international background help me connect with the remarkably diverse student body. I love contributing to school life, especially in music. Recently, I played clarinet in the incredible school production of Les Misérables and a week later I was playing sax and piano at a retirement home.

What do you enjoy most about being head boy?

I’m exposed to a wider perspective on school life and what is really involved in making the school experience better for students. 

What are the greatest challenges of being head boy?

Definitely the time commitments! I’m often called at short notice for events or duties, but ultimately, they’re always rewarding experiences.

What’s your favourite subject at school?

I love the sciences, and I have a particular interest in quantum mechanics. chemistry and physics, are both my favourite subjects.

What do you hope to do after you leave school?

I hope to study broader sciences at university, especially exploring interdisciplinary fields. My interests lie in a wide range of areas.

What is your favourite thing about your school? 

Being around teachers who inspire me to be the best I can be. Beating the time of two teachers who swam the English Channel was a huge incentive for a friend and I to take on the challenge ourselves (which we accomplished in August, raising money for YoungMinds mental health charity)!


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