We hear about how Parkside School empowers the next generation of leaders

If one was to ask a Parkside pupil about Leadership, they could give you an abundance of situational evidence and skills that are used on a daily basis within the fantastically authentic oak panelled walls of the 18th century Manor classrooms. Their inquisitive nature and forward-thinking mindset showcase a new generation of leaders, movers, and shakers.

Central to this ethos are pupil committees, each one a testament to the democratic process that appoints members who actively participate in the decision-making, outcomes and implementation of changes in the school. The School Council oversees general recommendations made by pupils from Reception up to Year 8 and runs alongside the more specific committee groups. The title and participation of a ‘Committee Member’ is a dynamic and important life skill, the value of which is cemented at Parkside at a young age. Committee discussions are recorded in the meeting minutes (taken by a Year 8 pupil) and are reported directly to the Senior Leadership Team and Governors on a regular basis. Actions are monitored and reviewed before sharing the results with pupils via whole school communications such as the School Newsletter and School Assemblies. Leadership at Parkside School comes into its own particularly in Years 7 & 8, through roles such as Sports Captains, Prefects and the Head Boy – who leads his team, promoting Parkside School’s values: Courage, Confidence and Character.

Parkside takes pride both in listening to the pupils’ voices, and in bringing new ideas to life in a comfortable and nurturing environment where they are respected, listened to, and valued. Making mistakes and understanding that not all ideas will be the best are good life lessons that pupils at Parkside School learn before going out into the world. Mistakes are celebrated and used as future lessons for success. A challenge-, curiosity- and enquiry-led approach to learning is interwoven throughout the curriculum and opportunities abound for ‘facing their fears’. Competitive spirit is important at Parkside and will continue to feature in the boys’ every day activities and lessons, as this will be experienced through life. This said, we recognise that participating with integrity and respect is a given.

Leadership at our school is a planned commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders, thinkers and change-makers. By seeking and embracing the pupils’ voices, capturing their lightbulb moments, and creating opportunities to ignite that spark, Parkside sets itself apart as a beacon of educational excellence.

To find out more join Parkside for their Open Day on Friday 9 March at 9am, or visit parkside-school.co.uk

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