Catherine Mower, Head of Modern Foreign Languages at Claremont Senior School, tells us about their international outlook and opportunities

At Claremont Senior School, we believe in providing students with enriching experiences that extend beyond the classroom, broadening their horizons, and fostering a global perspective with a love of languages. We are part of a learning community of enormous scale so the scope for connecting and collaborating with students from all around the world – as part of the International Schools Partnership (ISP) – is extraordinary and unique.

Each year, the Cultural Exchange Programme gives students the opportunity to experience life at one of our ISP sister schools. Last year, one of our Year 10 students lived and studied in Ecuador for a month, and a Year 12 student travelled to Spain. As both found out about the unique cultures of their chosen countries, their exchange partners joined the Claremont community to experience school life back in East Sussex.

“Last year, one of our Year 10 students lived and studied in Ecuador for a month”

The number of families taking part continues to grow each year with a record number applying for the 2024 programme. This runs in tandem with our Virtual Exchange Programme, which next year will enable Year 11 Spanish learners to practise their skills and make new friends with Spanish speakers, whilst being supported by an online library of bespoke, interactive resources.

Multilingualism is a pillar of the Claremont school vision. French, Spanish and German are offered together with a range of ‘first’ languages (Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Polish and Persian), for which many students gain formal qualifications. With so many cultures to celebrate and languages to hear at school, promoting the learning of a second language is a priority for the curriculum, in addition to developing life competencies beyond language and communication skills.

Claremont is a local school, with a global outlook. The contributions made to school life by our vibrant international boarding community undoubtedly enrich the student experience for all. Learning experiences beyond the classroom and on site social interactions between teenagers, add relevance and meaning to our MFL programme. Our academic pathways, supra curricula and multicultural community are setting young people on a path to becoming more responsible, global citizens.

To find out more about Claremont and the International Schools Partnership, find them online at

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