How excellent pool facilities are enabling students to develop their strength in multiple swimming events

Does your pool operate all year round? Yes, the pool is obviously used very extensively by Battle Abbey pupils during term time, but a variety of clubs and groups use the facility after hours and during school holidays. Our pupils also swim before school and we teach sixth formers their basic lifeguarding qualifications. 
Can pupils with an interest in swimming go on to compete?
 Pupils compete regularly in inter-school galas on behalf of Battle Abbey but many also swim competitively for local clubs. Due to the access to the pool the pupils enjoy, several of our pupils have gone on to be South East and Sussex Regional Champions and subsequently started on the Olympic pathway.  
Who teaches the pupils? We have two dedicated qualified swim teachers who work with both senior and prep pupils.  
Do you use your pool for any other activities? The pupils regularly take part in Water Polo. Our pool is widely considered to be one of the finest locally and is especially deep, which means the pupils have the opportunity to practice their block diving and do their depth test extension to their lifeguarding training. The pool has been used externally by a number of clubs including canoe clubs, diving clubs, lane swimming, triathlon training and even mermaid themed parties!

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