• Aucuba (spotted Laurel)                                                        
  • Physalis (Chinese Lanterns)
  • Pyracantha berries
  • cones/cinnamon sticks 


  • Parthenocissus (Virginia creeper) berries   
  • Assorted seed-heads and stems
  • Ivy flowers    
  • Teasel

Wild and bright

  • Physalis                                                         
  • Spindle berries
  • Honesty seed pods
  • Variegated Ivy

1. Gather ingredients and soak florist’s foam.

1. Gather ingredients and soak florist’s foam.

2. Push candle into wet foam.

2. Push candle into wet foam.

3. Wrap/wire Ivy foliage or similar around the base.

3. Wrap/wire Ivy foliage or similar around the base.

4. Push berries, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and garden foliage into foam.

4. Push berries, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and garden foliage into foam.

5. Use to decorate a mantlepiece or table, topping up with water to keep fresh.

5. Use to decorate a mantlepiece or table, topping up with water to keep fresh.

  • words:

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