Prep time:

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 4

2.5 Red Peppers, deseeded and sliced

500g Charlotte Potatoes, quartered

1 Medium Red Onion, sliced

1tbsp Olive Oil

6 Fresh Bay Leaves

4 Slices of Fresh Lemon

4 Large Free Range Chicken Thighs

100ml Dry White Wine or Chicken Stock

Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper

This really is one of the quickest and easiest recipes so ideal for feeding families easily and quickly during the holidays. Everything goes into one pan and comes with its own delicious gravy – for younger children I just serve it with frozen peas and everyone loves it. And what’s more it’s really easy to double up amounts and serve with a salad for larger groups of hungry teenagers

  1. Preheat the oven to 220˚C Gas Mark 7. Place the peppers, new potatoes and onions together in a small roasting tin, sprinkle with the olive oil and seasoning. Toss together then bake for 20 minutes until starting to brown. Reduce the oven temperature to 200˚C Gas Mark 6.
  2. Stir the bay leaves and lemon slices into the vegetables then arrange the chicken thighs on top. Pour over the white wine and return to the oven.
  3. Cook for 25-30 minutes basting with the juices until the chicken is cooked through and the juices run clear. Serve with frozen peas or a green salad.

Cook’s tip: You can use a jar of grilled peppers as an alternative to the fresh for this dish.

Aga cooks: Cook on the lowest rungs of the roasting oven. Then cover and keep warm in the simmering oven until needed.

  • words:
  • pictures: David Merewether

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