Prep time:

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 2

1 banana shallot, finely diced (or use the ready frozen ones)

1 carrot

2 garlic cloves

chilli flakes

50g anchovies

400g cherry tomatoes

1tsp rosemary

15 pitted black olives

1tsp balsamic vinegar

285g butter beans

chopped parsley

200g cod fillets (skinned) x2

A beautiful dish, that tastes of holidays and is intensely warming at the same time. Make the punchy sauce ahead, and just add the fish when you are ready to cook. The use of butter beans is a great way to make it a healthy one pan dish and I love using Bold Bean Butter Beans which are incredible.

  1. Fry the onion in some olive oil until soft, add the diced carrot and finely chopped garlic, and allow to cook down for a few minutes. Then throw in the finely chopped anchovies and chilli flakes. Stir, then pop in the cherry tomatoes, butter beans, roughly chopped black olives, chopped rosemary, chopped parsley and season. Allow the sauce to simmer for about 10 mins. Taste, and season more if needed.
  2. When ready to cook the fish, put the sauce in an oven proof dish. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Pop the fish in the sauce and cook for about 20 mins (will depend on the size of your cod fillets). Serve with lemon wedges, and I have also included a salad of Ro-Gro Microgeens.

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