1tsp Salt

150g Dark Brown Muscovado Sugar

1 Red Onion, finely chopped

3 Garlic Cloves, peeled and crushed

1 Red Chilli, finely chopped

Grated Zest and Juice of an Orange

6 Chicken Legs with Skin on

This is an exotic and warming main dish that I accidentally created one day when a recipe called for the flavour-packed marinade in which my chicken was reclining to be discarded. I ignored the instructions and cooked the chicken in the marinade with such scrumptious results that ever since it has been known simply as ‘Delicious Chicken’! Take note that the chilli is a subtle note and does not overpower the dish.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C/400˚F/Gas Mark 6.
  2. In a large, shallow casserole/lasagne dish, mix the salt and sugar with 100ml–150ml cold water until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Stir in the onion, garlic, chilli, zest and orange juice.
  4. Baste the chicken in the sauce and then lay the chicken on top of the marinade, ensuring that all onion and chilli pieces are pushed back into the marinade (otherwise they can burn), and bake for 35–40 minutes. If the chicken skin is not sufficiently golden then wham it under a hot grill for a few minutes to brown. Skim off any excess chicken oil from the sauce if necessary.

  • words:
  • pictures: David Merewether

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