Prep time:

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 4

6 small spring onions cut into rounds

1 medium cauliflower cut into florets

2 large courgettes cut into slices

100g button mushrooms cut into quarters

300g kale

2tbsp rapeseed oil

chopped parsley

salt and pepper

2 cloves garlic crushed

1tsp thyme

100g blue cheese crumbled

120g wholemeal bread flour

30g butter (vegan cream cheese also works well)

20g rolled oats

Super-easy and super-tasty this is a great way to get your five-a-day, Nicci from Home Gurr'own has put together this yummy savoury crumble.

You’ll love this easy-to-make savoury crumble. It’s a great recipe to send off with your kids when they fly the nest and need to cater for themselves. Delicious and healthy too.

Put the prepared vegetables, garlic and thyme in a casserole dish or deep(ish) tray and mix with the rapeseed oil. 

Place in a pre-heated oven (180c/gas 4) for 25 minutes until juicy. Drain the juice from the vegetables into a bowl and reserve.

Put the crumble ingredients in a bowl and rub through with your fingers until you get a dry sandy crumble-like consistency. Season with salt and pepper and add the crumbled blue cheese.

Scatter the crumble mix over the roasted vegetables and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden-brown on top. Scatter with parsley and serve. 

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