Prep time:

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 6

1tsp each of cumin seeds, nigella seeds and fennel seeds

olive oil

150g giant couscous

300ml water 

1 small squash cut into slices or buy pre-cut slices 

2 large sweet potatoes, cut into circles/half moons 

50g feta cubes

fresh mint, coriander – or whatever leafy herbs you have – finely chopped 

30ml lemon juice (approx. one lemon)

20ml pomegranate molasses 

30ml extra virgin olive oil

This goes so well with the tagine or stands alone as a delicious salad. You can make all the elements the day before and refrigerate. Then mix up on the day (you will need to break the couscous up a little) and warm through. This salad is delicious served warm or at room temperature but not fridge cold.  

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Drizzle some olive oil on two baking trays and brush with a pastry brush. Add the squash slices on one tray and sweet potatoes on the other. Brush with olive oil, season with sea salt and bake for 25 mins until soft and starting to crisp at the side.
  2. Warm some olive oil in a saucepan, gently heat the zest and seeds for a minute, until the nigella seeds pop. Add the couscous and a tsp of salt. Stir to coat all the grains of couscous, then cook gently as per pack instructions. 
  3. Make the dressing by whisking the lemon juice, pomegranate molasses and olive oil together.  
  4. When the cous cous is cooled, mix in a serving bowl with the herbs and half of the dressing.
  5. Serve with pomegranate seeds and flaked almonds to decorate. Put the other half of the dressing in a jug for people to help themselves.

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