Prep time:

Cooking time: 7 hours

Total time:

Serves: 4

220g Butter

225g Beef Dripping

1kg Plain Flour

2 Eggs

150ml Water

1tsp Salt

1 Medium Ham Hock

1kg Pork Sausage Meat

4 Cloves of Garlic, finely chopped

4 Sprigs of Fresh Thyme

1tsp Nutmeg

2 Medium White Onions

6 Rashers of Bacon, roughly chopped

7 Leaves of Gelatine

2 Carrots

4 Celery Sticks

½ Cauliflower

2 Packets of Fine Beans

Silver Skin Onions

500ml Malt Vinegar

200ml White Wine Vinegar

3tbsp Mustard Powder

1tbsp Turmeric

1tsp Ginger Powder

2tbsp Cornflour

200g Caster Sugar

1 Pinch of Salt

Surrounded by fields in rural Staplehurst and situated alongside Staplehurst Nurseries, Frankie’s Farmshop is packed with locally sourced produce. The Café offers daily specials, freshly prepared using seasonal ingredients in Frankie’s Open Kitchen, where you can watch the chefs at work.

For the pastry:

For the filling:

For the piccalilli:

  • pictures: David Merewether

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