Prep time:

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 10

Cooked Meat from a whole roast or Poached Free Range Chicken

1 Small Onion, finely chopped

Curry powder or paste


1 Small Tub of Greek Yogurt

2.5tbsp Mayonnaise

2tbsp Good Quality Mango Chutney

Handful of Sultanas

Chopped Fresh Coriander

Toasted Flaked Almonds

We’ve given the much-loved Coronation Chicken an exotic touch by adding light Greek yoghurt and fresh coriander. Serve as we have in Stella’s vintage glass compote or use as a very moreish sandwich filling. Choose whatever cut of chicken you prefer – whole, thighs, legs or breast – poaching keeps it succulent and moist. You could even buy a ready cooked chicken from the supermarket if pushed for time. A useful recipe for leftover chicken too.

  1. Slowly fry the chopped onion with a pinch of salt in a little plain oil (sunflower or rapeseed) until soft and translucent. Do not char or burn. Add curry powder or paste to taste (a tablespoon should suffice, less if a using a paste) and add a large pinch of turmeric and cook out the spices for a minute or so, stirring so it doesn’t catch. Drain off any excess oil and set aside to cool.
  2. Take a large bowl and add the greek yoghurt, mayonnaise, mango chutney, drained soaked sultanas and cooled onion spice mix. Combine thoroughly, then add the chicken and chopped fresh coriander and gently mix through until all is coated.
  3. Tip into a beautiful dish or compote and sprinkle a little extra coriander on top. If you want to add a touch of the Moguls, lightly toast some flaked almonds and sprinkle on top too.

  • words:
  • pictures: David Merewether

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