Prep time:

Cooking time: 4 hours

Total time:

Serves: 8

140ml Double cream

400g Greek yoghurt

170g Icing sugar

finely grated rind of 3 lemons

115g ready-made meringue nests, crushed

6tbsp Lemon curd

Chef’s tip: I use paper loaf tin liners in a loaf tin or you could use non-stick baking paper and, of course, you could do a circular one in a cake tin but make sure it is a spring clip type. This amount will be sufficient for a 7inch tin or 2 loaf tins. Find … Continue reading "Lemon meringue gâteau"

  1. Pour the cream into a large bowl and add the yoghurt, icing sugar and lemon rid. Whisk until mixture forms soft peaks.
  2. Fold in the crushed meringue and the lemon curd and stir through the mixture just enough to marble it through.
  3. Spoon the mixture into a prepared tin (see chef’s tip below) and cover. Put in the freezer to set for at least 4 hours, or for best results leave overnight.
    To serve: Remove from the freezer and allow to stand for 2-3 minutes before cutting. Return any left over to the freezer immediately making sure it is well covered.
    Serve with raspberry coulis on the side.

Chef’s tip: I use paper loaf tin liners in a loaf tin or you could use non-stick baking paper and, of course, you could do a circular one in a cake tin but make sure it is a spring clip type. This amount will be sufficient for a 7inch tin or 2 loaf tins.

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