You will need, per person

Key ingredients:

8 new potatoes

2 globe artichokes

6 asparagus spears

200g cannon of lamb

6 heritage cherry tomatoes

From the store cupboard:

lemon wedges

50g day-old focaccia

1 clove garlic

10g mint

1tbsp English mustard

Fabio Vinciguerra, Executive Chef for Hush Heath Hospitality, shares a succulent lamb recipe featuring tender artichokes.


  1. Heat the oven to 180°C. In a pot, cover the potatoes with cold salted water, bring to the boil and simmer for 5-10 mins, until just cooked. Drain and allow to cool, then cut into quarters.
  2. For the artichokes, take off the outer leaves until you get to the softer leaves in the centre. Peel the stalks until they are white, rub with a lemon half as you work to prevent discolouration.
  3. Slice the artichokes into quarters and with a spoon scoop out the hairy centre part. Cook them in a pot filled with water and a wedge of lemon for 3-4 mins, then leave to cool.
  4. Boil the asparagus for 3 mins in salted water, drain and set aside.
  5. Marinate the lamb with salt, pepper and olive oil. In a hot pan, sear the lamb for a minute on each side and remove from the pan.
  6. In a food processor blitz together focaccia, garlic and mint. Spread a tablespoon of mustard over the lamb and then roll in the mint breadcrumbs until evenly coated.
  7. Place the heritage cherry tomatoes, artichokes, asparagus and potato into a baking tray. Season the vegetables and add a tablespoon of olive oil, place the lamb on the top and cook in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow the lamb to rest before slicing.
  8. To serve, place the lamb slices on a plate with a generous portion of vegetables alongside. Top with the roasted tomatoes, pour over some of the sauce from the tray and add a few drops of olive oil to finish.

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