Prep time:

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 2

30g frozen peas

pea shoots

4 Slices Parma ham

6 king scallops – leave the roe on

salt & pepper

5g fresh mint

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  1. Lay the Parma ham on a baking tray and place another tray on top. Put in the oven to become crispy for about 10 minutes at 180°C.
  2. For the pea puree, place the frozen peas in a pan of boiling water for 2 minutes and then drain. Put the peas in food blender with the mint and season with salt and pepper to taste. Purée until smooth – you may need to add a little water to help this happen.
    To Serve: Heat a pan on the hob until it is just smoking. Add the 3 scallops and season with salt and pepper and leave to cook for 3 minutes, and then turn over and leave for 3 minutes on the other side. Remove from the pan and put to one side.
    Place the pea purée down the centre of the serving plate and arrange the scallops on top of the purée, then add the Parma ham crisps in between the scallops, dress with pea shoots and serve.

Find out more about booking a meal or stay at The Print House, and keep up to date with their full programme of weekly and seasonal events at

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