Prep time:

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 2

6 Large Scallops

1 Corn on the Cob

6 Slices of Chorizo

100ml Double Cream

½ Lemon

The Queen’s Inn Hawkhurst’s Head Chef Sally-Anne Day explains how to create Pan seared scallops with sweetcorn puree and chorizo crisps

For the sweetcorn puree:

  1. Cut the corn off the raw cob and sweat on a low heat in a little butter.
  2. When softened add 100ml of water and the double cream and season to taste, continue to cook for a few minutes then transfer to a liquidiser and blitz until smooth.
  3. Pass the puree through a sieve to make sure it’s as smooth as possible.

For the chorizo crisps:

  1. Place the slices of chorizo onto a baking tray lined with parchment then lie another sheet of parchment on top, and place another baking tray on top to keep the chorizo flat during cooking.
  2. Place into a pre heated oven at 180oC for approx 8-12 mins. Take out and cool on a wire rack.

To finish:

  1. Pan sear the scallops in a hot nonstick pan with a little oil for 2-3 mins on each side until golden brown and slightly caramelised.
  2. Squeeze over a little lemon, then take off the heat.
  3. Spoon some warm sweetcorn puree onto the plate, smear with the back of a teaspoon into a line on the centre of the plate.
  4. Sit the three scallops along the puree, lean the cooked chorizo crisps against each scallop, spoon over the leftover juices in the pan and serve.

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