Prep time:

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 6

2 Rye Bay Scallops per person

450g Carrots

4-5cm Fresh Ginger Root

Juice of 1 Lime

30g Butter, cut into cubes

Lucinda Hamilton creates a fish starter sourced in Rye

  1. Marinate the scallops for a couple of hours in the juice of ½ a lime and a couple of tbspoons of olive oil
  2. Peel and slice the carrots and ginger and put in a saucepan. Cover with water and boil until carrots are tender.
  3. When carrots are done, strain and put the carrots and the ginger into a food processor and blitz. Whilst you are blitzing add the butter cubes slowly until you get a creamy consistency. Add a squeeze of ½ a lime and season to taste.
  4. When you are ready to serve, heat a frying pan until very hot, and fry the scallops for a minute each side until they are nicely coloured and cooked through.
  5. Warm up the puree gently if you have made it in advance.
  6. Serve the scallops on a bed of puree and a side rocket salad.

  • words:
  • pictures: David Merewether

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