800g Venison Loin

1 Butternut Pumpkin, peeled, halved and deseeded

200g Girolle Mushrooms

1 Radicchio di Treviso

100g Butter

Olive Oil

50ml Chicken Stock

1 Lemon

Small Amount of Chopped Parsley

Rock Salt

Andy McLeish, Chef Patron at Chapter One, shares his recipe for Roast Loin of Venison with Butternut Pumpkin, Girolles and Roast Radicchio di Treviso

  1. Cut the venison loin into four equal pieces.
  2. Next, cut twelve thick equal pieces from the butternut pumpkin, reserving the trimmings for your purée.
  3. Wash the girolle mushrooms by submerging them in a bowl of water briefly. Drain well.
  4. Cut the root end off the radiccio so it falls apart into individual leaves and take twelve of the nicest leaves.
  5. Gently cook the trimmings of the butternut in a pan with a little butter, being careful not to let it colour. When the butternut is soft, add it to a food blender and purée until silky smooth.
  6. Heat a little butter and olive oil in a large pan. Season the venison with salt and pepper, place in the pan and colour on all sides (this will take about four to five minutes). Make sure you turn the venison continuously and do not over cook it, as the meat will dry out; you should be aiming for a nice pink colour. When this is done, leave to rest in a warm place above an oven or under a cloth.
  7. Using the same pan, add a little oil and colour the butternut pieces, then reduce the heat slightly and add a tiny amount of chicken stock and cook until almost soft.
  8. Add the washed girolles, increasing the heat, and cook for one minute, tossing the pan two to three times.
  9. Add the radicchio leaves and keep on the heat for a further minute until they becomes limp and wilted.
  10. Add a squeeze of lemon, a further knob of butter and the chopped parsley. Season to taste.
  11. To serve, arrange the pieces of butternut, radiccio, girolles and venison with small amounts of butternut purée in between to make a rustic but attractive-looking dish. Finish with a small amount of the cooking juice and a sprinkle of rock salt.

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