Prep time:

Cooking time:

Total time:

Serves: 16

300g Good Quality Dark Chocolate

100g Butter

3tbsp Golden Syrup

10 Digestive Biscuits, broken into small pieces

75g Raisins

100g Mini Marshmallows

50g Peanuts (optional)

1 Large Pack of Mini Sugar Coated Eggs

Forget those fibrous Easter nests made with chocolate-coated shredded wheat and go for the full on, rocky road to ruin (or heaven). Children will love to make these, but be prepared to enter the sticky zone…

  1. Melt the chocolate in either a microwave (approx. 2mins, depending on your microwave), or in a bowl over a pan of boiling water (adult supervision essential here).
  2. Mix in the butter and melt a little more. Add the golden syrup and mix in thoroughly, then stir in the other ingredients (except eggs).
  3. Carefully (keep those aprons on) spoon into paper cake cases, making a ‘nest’ space in the middle. Add three eggs to each nest and refrigerate until set.

  • words:
  • pictures: David Merewether

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