Prep time:

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time:

Serves: 10

300g nuts of your choice

50g maple syrup

25g brown sugar 

20ml groundnut oil or another flavourless oil

1tsp hot smoked paprika

These nuts are show stopping and addictive. Perfect to go with drinks or a lovely homemade Christmas present. Or pop them in a salad. These are a party staple for me but, be warned, they will disappear fast! This makes a huge portion, so do halve etc. the ingredients to suit

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking sheet with non stick parchment.
  2. Mix all the ingredients, except the nuts, in a large bowl to form a sticky syrup. Add in the nuts and coat well with all the sticky spicy sauce.
  3. Pour onto the lined baking sheet and pop into the oven for 15 mins. Ideally give them a stir every 5 mins to make sure they are cooking evenly.  
  4. Remove from oven and allow to cool. The nuts keep up to a week in a sealed container, so good to make in advance (if you can resist eating them).

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