How are our schools exploring the use of AI in the classroom? Hilden Oaks and Hazelwood explain how they’re incorporating it into their pupils’ learning

Hilden Oaks

As educators in a digital world, Hilden Oaks Prep have become accustomed to the rapidly changing nature of technology. However, the pace at which ‘AI’ has raced into the public eye has taken many of us by surprise.

We also have to consider carefully how to manage our pupils’ mental health in a world where technology can seem at times inescapable. At Hilden Oaks we embrace a ‘Mindfulness’ curriculum and this has become embedded in many curriculum areas, not least in computing. ‘Digital sunsets’ – a time where family all put their devices down for the evening – are regularly discussed, as well as other ways to relax and unwind without a reliance on technology.

We must, however, consider the learning opportunities that AI can present. A pupil struggling for that ‘spark’ to get a story going could find one using AI. Another, looking for alternative ways to phrase their report, could be presented with options, or a child wondering what Picasso and Mondrian could create if they collaborated, could finally be inspired. The internet is the most powerful learning tool that we could ever offer our children, and always will be. Our job is to make sure that our children are educated to use it to its full potential. Love it or hate it, AI is here to stay – and for the time being so are we!

Hazelwood School

Nichola Trojanowski, Assistant Head Curriculum Development at Hazelwood School explores the human advantage in the age of AI.

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