We hear about how schools are guiding students to give back to their communities

Headteacher, Jo Collyer, explains how pupils at this nurturing, independent school in East Sussex are encouraged to think beyond themselves and support those around them

Love is central to the ethos of our school, and children are encouraged to live out their faith, thinking beyond themselves and being supportive of those around them. They learn that love means being present and supportive and that it is more than just words; it is about actions. Our children choose charities to support, many of which are close their own hearts, and last year they raised an incredible £1,557 for local and global charities.
During Harvest, we collect food for local food banks and during times of celebration, our children always think of those less fortunate than themselves. This Christmas we supported the Mayor’s Appeal, choosing gifts for children who otherwise may not receive one. At Easter, the children donated over 100 Easter eggs to Nourish.
We have strong links with our local care home. We invite them to our nativity play and our oldest children sing carols to the residents. In recent years, we created memory boxes, adding items to spark conversation and memories. These activities not only help the children understand the importance of giving back but also foster a sense of empathy, respect, responsibility and connection to their community.

For further information, see sacredheartwadhurst.org.uk

David Clark, Head of Cranbrook School, explains how pupils interact with their local community

Cranbrook School is situated in the middle of a wonderfully historic Wealden town and, by its very nature, is closely connected to its locality. The school dates back to the 16th century and in all that time, Cranbrook students have interacted with and given back to the community in many different ways. Today, we enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship with a range of local groups including businesses, farms, charities, sports clubs, churches and primary schools.

Prior to Christmas, the school held its annual celebrations at St. Dunstan’s where the bonds between school and church run deep. Our student-led Christian union meets in the church and a few of those doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award take part in bell-ringing as their new skill too. We work closely with good causes in the area and students take a lead in gathering produce for food banks, in supporting Cranbrook Museum and with engaging in litter picking in and around town.
The school is lucky to have fantastic facilities and local primaries as well as others come and use our Queens Hall Theatre, astro turf, music rooms, football pitches and Science labs – a win-win for both sides. By the time a Cranbrookian leaves school, they have been exposed to many positive community interactions which enrich their personal development and broaden their perspective on life beyond the classroom. These experiences cultivate a sense of responsibility, empathy and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

Learn more at cranbrookschool.co.uk

Getting involved in the community offers invaluable opportunities for growth, as Benenden explains

Partnerships and community projects are a core part of the ethos at Benenden School.
Students volunteer across a broad range of local institutions, including helping at local pre-schools, primary schools, assisting at Tenterden Social Hub, aiding with the upkeep of Sissinghurst Castle and its grounds, and working in the village shop.
“Volunteering in the community offers young people invaluable opportunities for personal growth. It helps them develop essential lifeskills such as teamwork and they gain a broader perspective on society and civic responsibility. It also fosters a sense of purpose and self-confidence as young people see the tangible impact of their contributions,” says Nick Rendall, Director of Partnerships at Benenden.
The School’s longstanding relationship with The John Wallis Church of England Academy in Ashford also sees many Benenden School students taking on a mentoring role, helping academy students work through their exam years. A combined cadet force between the two schools is a popular choice, too, offering a range of opportunities from residential trips to parachuting ventures.
Rarely does an event go by at Benenden School without the participation of local schools. Conferences, concerts, careers fairs and drama productions all attract local students to Benenden. Collaborations with Hawkhurst United Football Club and Sissinghurst Cricket Club are strengthening ties with the local sports community and the School is also the home of the Hemsted Park commercial arts brand that has brought a range of performing arts events to the public in the last year.

Find out more at benenden.school

King’s is making a positive impact beyond the school walls

The King’s School Canterbury’s Partnership programme embodies the School’s commitment to making a positive impact beyond the school walls. This programme is designed to share the resources, expertise and spirit of King’s with the wider community and create sustainable and meaningful connections with local schools, charities and community organisations. One such example is our Saturday Smarties programme which, now in its 11th year, offers fun and interactive science experiences to local state primary school children.
Wednesday afternoons at King’s are traditionally given over to activities, of which there are over 140 on offer. From beekeeping to yoga, pupils also help with language classes and reading at local primary schools and volunteer locally, working with charities, supporting events, and generally being a positive presence in the wider community.
One of our most popular activities is ‘Running Wild,’ a new initiative that has seen pupils making a real difference. They recently took on manual tasks that a local church parish were struggling to complete. Together they cleared weeds, grass and moss from overgrown graves in the churchyard, before adding plum slate chippings and perennial plants to introduce some much-needed colour. Activities such as these enhance our pupils’ awareness of others and their social responsibilities within the wider community.

For further information, see kings-school.co.uk.

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