Centre stage: Battle Abbey School

Studying drama enriches a young person in many ways beyond the glory of the curtain call. We talk to Linda Hopkins, Head of Drama at Battle Abbey School At Battle Abbey we aim to develop the soft skills in every...

Start right

A child’s very first steps in education – even before they start school – can set them up for the years to come, and there are interesting new ideas how to approach this crucial stage

Centre stage: Kent College

Studying drama enriches a young person in many ways beyond the glory of the curtain call

Taking the lead: Vinehall School

In Taking the Lead, we talk to school head teachers and heads of department. Paul Borrows, Assistant Head Academic at Vinehall School, tells us about his work and his own school days Favourite subject when you were at school When I...

Taking the lead: St Edmund’s School Canterbury

Heads of department create the unique personality for how each subject is taught in a school, while head teachers flavour the school as a whole. We talk to Dr Gemma Jones, Head of Science at St Edmund's School in Canterbury...

The joy of mud

No more screens! The modern child needs to get outside and get dirty says Michael White

10 things I wish I’d known when my kids were young…

With three children now into adulthood, Hilary Wilce reflects on her experience as a mother and shares her retrospective wisdom

Page turners

A charity devoted to helping children discover the joy of books has identified the Top 40 titles to pull reluctant readers in

Jump to it

Exercise is as essential for children’s brains as it is for their bodies says Hilary Wilce

Keep calm and carry on (revising)

It’s exam time, not much fun for Year 11s and 13s – or their parents, so Hilary Wilce offers some expert advice

Let the Children Speak

Listening to school age kids is vital – but first you have to get them to talk says Hilary Wilce. All the research shows that children whose parents support them at school and show an interest in what they’re learning,...

New Headteacher for Walthamstow Hall

:: SPONSORED CONTENT :: New Year, New Headmistress and New Sixth Form Building for Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks

Birds and Bees

Schools – and the government – need to re-think sex education says Susan Elkin

Fresh Learning

We discover the benefits of studying outdoors and the rise in the appeal of forest schools

Study Swap

Just how popular do student exchanges prove to be, and what are the benefits of choosing to study abroad. We find out...

Remember, Remember

Susan Elkin stresses the importance of teaching children the history behind many of our seasonal celebrations

Mix it Up

Susan Elkin explains how new staff can keep teaching fresh in schools Seasons of mists, mellow fruitfulness and new teachers. Almost every school in the country starts the school year with some new staff this month. That means new faces...

Support Network

Teacher Georgina Watford discusses common behavioural issues in the classroom and what can be done to improve them. How do you develop your own set of rules for the classroom?  Every teacher is different and despite us all following the school...

The wonderful world of WACI

Toby Payne-Cook, Head of Science at Marlborough House School, discusses the Weald Award for Creativity and Innovation

How Do Schools Quantify Success?

On an age of increasing exam pressure and rigorous assessment, we speak to three schools to find out what’s being done to reward achievement and identify students that may need extra support

Tried & Tested

Susan Elkin hopes change is on the horizon when it comes to exams

Feeling Bored?

Susan Elkin explains that, when it comes to school holidays, this isn’t necessarily such a negative

Well Read

Author Alex Preston picks his top five books for pre-teens

Make Health and Fitness Child’s Play

Fitness Trainer Sarah Maxwell explains how to engage the whole family in exercise

A Way With Words

English teacher Milly Potter shares the reasons behind her enduring love of poetry

Creative Healing

Mary Kain explains the benefits of using art as therapy.

Perfect Fit

Edward Martin from The Golden Boot highlights the importance of proper shoe fitting

Early Years

We go behind the scenes at Junior's Day Nursery in Cranbrook

IB: Global Passport to Education

ACS International Schools explains why they consider the International Baccalaureate programme so valuable

Under Pressure

Susan Elkin looks into exam stress and how to relieve it

Extra Help

Susan Elkin explores the demand for unqualified tutors

The Ripple Effect

Hilary Wilce explains how a contented, well-connected childhood could be the key to happiness in adulthood

Lawnmower Parents

It goes without saying that every parent wants the very best for their child, and most will bend over backwards to achieve it. But what happens when these good intentions become all-consuming? Hilary Wilce gives us the signs to watch...

Safe Journey

Motorists’ lawyer David Barton explains how the law differs for new drivers and gives his advice for staying out of harm’s way

Meet The Heads

Go behind the scenes at seven leading schools to find out more about the headteachers in charge

The Great Escape

We speak to two students from the South East about why they made the decision to take a year out and a year abroad

Road Trip

We explore the educational excursions currently on offer

Getting Ahead

Julie Redding, Head of Entrepreneurship at Sevenoaks School explains how entrepreneurial and enterprise skills are being nurtured amongst their students

Summer Study

Susan Elkin ponders the timing of examinations

Raise The Bar

Sue Elkin praises schools which embrace the journey of education - not the destination

Keep Calm – There Will Be Bumps Along The Way

Sooner or later most children will meet with problems at school. Education expert Hilary Wilce offers some reassurance

Smoothing the Move from Nursery to Reception

Starting 'real' school is always a big step in growing up. Luckily, these days it's almost always an easy one, says Hilary Wilce.

School Farms – Lancing College

School farms are a great way for children to learn about farming and animal husbandry as well as offering the perfect place to de-stress and unwind outside the classroom. We visit Lancing College school farm...

Guest Speaker – Tom Avery

We talk to Tom Avery. One of the world's most exciting polar explorers and a former pupil at Vinehall.

Guest Speaker – Charlie Sinclair

Charlie was Head Boy at Junior King's in 2010 when he played rugby in the JKS U11 National Champion school rugby team at Twickenham.