Gordon’s School – Boarding in Surrey

‘Students who attend the boarding school provision exceed their predicted outcomes and consistently reach, and further, their potential.’ OFSTED 2019

We built a zoo

Never work with animals or children, they said. Forget that! We’ve been so excited to hear all about Bede’s zoo. If you go down to Bede’s Senior school, you’re in for a big surprise. In the heart of its 120-acre...

In Harmony

At Chinthurst, we want our children to be happy and confident young people, with a lifelong love of learning and the foundations for a happy and successful adulthood. Music enriches life and is an important part of the curriculum. We...

don’t stop the music

At Reed’s School music education is an integral part of life, with a focus on creating an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages pupils to explore their musical talents and passions. Music is a key aspect of the curriculum, starting...

Tuning in

Music and singing are integral to the cultural and spiritual life of Sacred Heart School in Wadhurst. As a Catholic school, masses and school liturgies include beautiful hymns. This community singing is a wonderful bonding experience for the children and teachers alike.Sacred Heart...

Meet the Head

We’ve been getting to know The New BeaconPrep School’s new Head, Sarah Brownsdon Sarah Brownsdon is the newly appointed Head of The New Beacon Prep School, whose alumni stretch from Siegfried Sassoon to England sportsmen Zac Crawley, Sam Billings, and...

Big Thoughts

Mrs Sophie Bradshaw, Head of The Dulwich School Cranbrook, ponders how school and class size may affect the mental health of students A great deal has changed in our schools over the last 50-70 years. Blackboards and chalk have been...

a little bit extra

Adding fun, broadening horizons and creating well-rounded pupils – extra curriculars are thriving at Marlborough House School School life extends well beyond the classroom at Marlborough House, where co-curricular activity afternoons have been introduced in the Prep-School aimed at increasing the enrichment...

Excellent Report

Marlborough House School tell us about their recent ‘Excellent’ rating by the Independent Schools Inspectorate Following a rigorous three-day inspection, staff and governors at Marlborough House School were delighted to be awarded the highest rating of “Excellent” in all areas,...

The Great Outdoors

We learn about Forest School and ‘empty classroom days’ from Longacre School’s Headteacher, Matthew Bryan‘ When I think back to my own school days, I was delighted whenever a teacher took a class outside, though sadly the overriding memory is...

Creature Comforts

From rugby-loving donkeys to an immortalised duck, we’ve enjoyed hearing all about Saint Ronan’s school farm We opened our school farm with the aim to have a few rescue chickens – modest and easy to maintain. Our first batch of...

Meet Matthew Bryan, Headmaster at Longacre School

From chart-topping ex-pupils to psychology podcasts, we get to know Matthew Bryan, Headmaster at Longacre School What makes Longacre school special? It’s a combination of the people and the ethos. The children are so lucky to come here, but equally...

Cracking the Code – St Andrews Prep

St Andrews Prep share their coding education know-how How is technology integrated into your curriculum and school life? Our rich and varied D&T curriculum encompasses a wide range of technologies. As early as year 5 children work with and use...

Cracking the Code – Radnor House Sevenoaks

Pavel Malik, Assistant Head & Director of Digital Learning at Radnor House Sevenoaks (below), discusses the benefit of teaching coding skills from a young age Learning coding offers many educational benefits. From helping to develop digital skills and building future...

Go for it!

Ashford School explains how broadening options enhances enjoyment and participation in sport

STRONGER TOGETHER – Eastbourne College

Eastbourne College tell us about a wide variety of projects which enrich their school life and beyond Eastbourne College is one of thirteen schools/colleges in the Coastal Schools Partnership (East Sussex). We love working together as it provides a high...


Reed’s School tells us about their award-winning outreach and community projects The school’s own charitable Foundation was established in 1813 as an orphanage. Ten percent of the pupils are helped to attend the school because they have lost the support...

Social Life: Bede’s

Richard Mills, Registrar at Bede’s tell us how they build their boarding community For boarding pupils, building relationships at school is even more vital because their school peers are more than just classmates — they are a close–knit community, a...

Social Life: Sutton Valence School

Sutton Valence School share how they build social skills in students At Sutton Valence School, we place a high value on the importance of developing students’ and boarders’ social skills. We believe that these skills are essential for success in...

Meet the School Principal

We’ve been getting to know Claremont School’s new Principal, Severine Collins What excites you most about joining Claremont School? Claremont’s principles align with my own belief that every child is an individual who needs to be nurtured, developed and challenged...

Mayfield girls attend Model United Nations Conference in Poland

In October, six girls from Mayfield School attended the 7th Annual Model United Nations (MUN) Conference in Poland, with pupils from across Europe.  MUN is an educational simulation of the United Nations in which students can learn about diplomacy and...

Spring Grove School on broadening horizons

From visits to the local beach to week-long residential trips to France, school trips play an important part in school life at Spring Grove School. Experiences that take children out of the classroom – and sometimes out of their comfort...

Flying the Eco Flag

Battle Abbey School have had a very exciting outcome from Antarctica Day For Antarctica Day in early December, schools across the UK and beyond were prompted to send flag designs to be displayed in Antarctica by the ‘Island Impact’ Expedition,...

Marlborough House School’s new programme for Years 7 and 8

:: SPONSORED CONTENT :: For parents grappling with the age-old question of 11+ or 13+ entry, we spoke to Marlborough House School in Kent who have a new solution: an individualised enrichment programme for Years 7 and 8. A more bespoke path and greater...

Celebrating Difference in a Boarding Environment

:: SPONSORED CONTENT :: By Simon Bird, Deputy Head, and David Mulae, Assistant Head Pastoral, Cranleigh School Cranleigh celebrates difference by first seeing and recognising that individuals are all unique and that each individual has worth and should feel valued. Considerable time and expertise...

Sporting Success

Congratulations to Mayfield School, which has been named one of the top 20 all-girls schools for cricket Mayfield School has been named as one of the UK’s best cricket schools. It features in the Top 20 all-girls schools in The...

Stop seeing music as a ‘nice to have’

Benenden School’s headteacher Samantha Price is fighting the cause to prevent musical education being sidelined in our schools It’s time to stop considering music in schools as a luxury, Benenden School’s headteacher Samantha Price has said. Describing music as “transformational”...

Beechwood’s Beautiful Game

With the aim of uniting football and academic excellence, Beechwood School have created an Elite Football Programme headed up by Director of Football, Greg Thurstans and Head of Coaching, Matthew Rose. We find out all about it… Who will the programme...

Meet the Head

ACS Egham’s new head of school Mark Wilson talks us through his own teaching journey  How are you settling into life at ACS Egham? It has been a fantastic start. I have been made to feel so welcome by students,...

Getting Out & About

Independent girls’ school, Manor House, explains why prioritising school trips enriches their pupils’ education Speak to any past pupil and a school trip is often one of their fondest memories, a time to stretch their muscles of independence and venture...

Busy Bees

Some news from our thriving education providers ACS International School Cobham is named an Apple Distinguished School ACS International School Cobham has been named as a prestigious Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025 in recognition of innovative one-to-one iPad and MacBook Air provision....

Meet the Head – Mr Mark Scholey: Head of Sutton Valence Prep School

We get to know a bit more about the brand new Head of Sutton Valence Prep School, Mr Mark Scholey What are you most looking forward to about joining SVPS? As I join SVPS, I am especially looking forward to...

Working Together

ACS International School Cobham STEM Club joins forces with disability charity, MERU ACS International School Cobham’s High School STEM Club has been working on a project to support disability charity, MERU. The charity helps disabled children and young people with...

Round and Round the Garden

Dulwich Prep Cranbrook tell us about their wonderful Sensory Garden project During our wellbeing week in January 2022, Dulwich’s SEN team looked at additional projects which could enhance our wellbeing and the seed of an idea took root – to...

Meet the Art Teacher

Meet Ellie Greenwood, artist and Art Teacher at Eastbourne College What inspired you to become an art teacher?   My degree course was very collaborative. I often led workshops for other pupils, but it was my experience as an artist-in-residence at...

A Recipe for Success

Claire Baker, Head of Lower School at Mayfield School tells us about their Cookie Project Dealing with the opportunities and challenges of life requires well developed soft skills, especially in the workplace, and Senior School provides a vital opportunity to...

Settling In

Laura Leigh-Hill, Head of Nursery at Bede’s, shares her guide to starting school in September It is that time of year again! Your four-year-old’s time at pre-school has come to an end and they will begin their school journey, starting...

Books Club

Find your next favourite read with recommendations from students and teachers The Good Thieves by Katherine Rundell follows the story of Vita, who moves to New York after her grandfather was robbed of everything he owned. With the aid of...

Education Directory

Our Education directory, focuses exclusively on Kent, Sussex and Surrey, introducing some of the south east’s best and brightest preparatory academies, specialist colleges, independent schools and boarding schools.

Meet the Captain

Meet Ludo Kolade who balances sport, learning and a position as Captain of School at King’s School Canterbury What is your role as Captain of School? My role largely consists of coordinating my team of Purples (prefects) and acting as...

Early Days

We talk to local schools to find out the best ways to start out a child’s educational journey Junior King’s – Fun and excitement nurture a love of learning for life Tell us about your early years provision. Our Pre-prep...

Subjects Matter

We ask Tom Lawson, Headteacher at Eastbourne College, how to navigate the crossroads that every child faces when choosing GCSEs and A Levels Any parent wants to support their child with making GCSE and A-level choices, guiding them but ensuring...

Sporting Stars

There is so much wonderful talent in our schools’ sports programmes – it’s time to celebrate! Nothing but Net – ACS Cobham hosts first-of-its-kind beach volleyball tournament for schools across England Students from across England gathered in London to compete...

Meet the Head – Fraser Halliwell, Head of Radnor House 

Fraser Halliwell, Head of Radnor House tells us about his work and inspirations What inspired you to teach? BBC wildlife documentaries and specifically, David Attenborough. Attenborough, like all great teachers, is a master of inspiring curiosity. I thought I wanted...

Extra Help

We explore how tutoring can support a child’s studies 11+ Ready – Established local tutoring company, Griffin Teaching, tell us about their service What kind of tutoring do you offer? We offer our support in weekly club sessions, taught in friendly...

The Game of Life

PSHE has to evolve to reflect contemporary issues. We find out how schools are adapting Mayfield Mayfield School tell us about how their Lifeskills programme helps students ‘meet the needs of the age’ At Mayfield our aim is to develop...

That’s a Wrap!

Wraparound childcare is priceless to busy parents, providing extra care on top of normal school hours, so how does it work? Dulwich Prep Cranbrook explain their flexible care Dulwich Prep Cranbrook has an extended day programme, which is highly tailored,...