Pots of love

Jo Arnell shows how easy – and enjoyable – it is to make a Mother’s Day treat for mum yourself.

Ready, Steady…VEG!

The daffodils are up, but don’t starting planting your kitchen garden yet cautions Jo Arnell

Winter Sweet

Jo Arnell warms up the winter garden with fragranced seasonal blooms

Back To Our Roots

After a lengthly wait, Jo Arnell starts to unearth her soil-dwelling home grown veg in time for Christmas

A Touch Of Frost

Sue Whigham picks her favourite winter garden wonders that make beautiful festive decorations

Grow Your Own Hedge

Jo Arnell explains how to ensure you have pick of the crop at home...

Fall In Love

Sue Whigham admires autumn displays of glorious colour

Any Old Iron?

Jo Arnell turns salvage hunter to provide her garden with economical and beautiful focal points made from often-overlooked reclamation yard goodies

Lavender’s Blue

Sue Whigham takes a look at the fragrant world of Lavandula

The Show Can Go On!

Jo Arnell looks into glorious late summer colour

Some Like it Hot

Jo Arnell goes in search of exotic-looking plants that thrive in the great British weather

What’s New?

Sue Whigham takes a look at the latest prize-winning breeds coming to a nursery near you

Second Out, Round Two!

Jo Arnell explains that it’s never too late to get the most out of your veg garden over the summer months

The Makings of a Garden

Sue Whigham talks about the evolution of her own garden and perfect plant combinations

War On Weeds

Jo Arnell tackles the trickiest garden invaders

What’s In A Name?

Sue Whigham uncovers the Latin reasoning behind plant monikers

Plants That Heal

Sue Whigham highlights the therapeutic properties of common countryside dwellers

Keeping It Contained

Plants in containers, whether permanent or seasonal, are a delight around the garden. If you’re short of space, or don’t have much in the way of a garden, they can even become mini gardens in themselves. Jo Arnell pots up...

Made to Measure

Garden designer, TV presenter and writer, Mark Lane talks us through his love of the outdoors

The Forgotten Harvest

Expert forager Michael White explains there’s more use for garden invaders than just compost fodder as he explores edible weeds

Course Work

The newest member of the WT team, Rebecca Cuffe, tracks down a handful of the best gardening tutorials around

The Instant Gardener

BBC presenter Danny Clarke explains what drew him into the world of horticulture

April Treats

Sue Whigham selects some beautiful spring goodies to bring your garden to life

Vegetables With Meals in Mind

Dish up your home-grown feasts with pride by following Jo Arnell’s tips for growing success

Project Plant

Do you have spare land to plant some native trees? Help The Woodland Trust to combat the spread of tree diseases with its specially selected tree packs

A Garden for all Seasons

Follow Jo Arnell’s spring tips for a gorgeous garden all year round

Spring has Sprung

Sue Whigham explores our fascination with snowdrops

Early Bird Gardening

Jo Arnell gets ahead this month in preparation for a productive year in the garden

Let it Shine

Sue Whigham gives her tips and picks for growing conservatory plants

Gardening Resolutions

Jo Arnell advises us on taking positive steps in the garden for the year ahead.

The Winter Garden

Colder weather doesn’t have to mean the end of decorative pots and hanging baskets – Emma Hardy’s book shows how

Deck the Halls

Jo Arnell celebrates the Yuletide tradition – and fun – of decorating your house with evergreens

Very Berry

Sue Whigham celebrates autumn’s visual feast

Mellow Fruitfulness

After an exhaustingly sunny summer, Jo Arnell is relishing gentler autumn gardening

From a Tiny Acorn

Sue Whigham celebrates the mighty English oak tree

Squash Up!

Jo Arnell gets misty about her pumpkin patch

The Green Goddess

Penny Kemp on upcycling

Gone to Seed

Jo Arnell gathers in seeds and rejoices in autumn as the start of the new growing cycle

The Green Goddess

Penny Kemp celebrates the joys and benefits of local involvement

Whether the Weather

Sue Whigham finds we have a lot to learn from ancient climate lore

Wood Works

The secret to the perfect work/life balance may already be in your garden - and if it isn’t you can build one... by Isobel Mackay

Harvest Home

Jo Arnell on the particular pleasure of bringing in your crops

Flying Flowers

Sue Whigham celebrates the glory of butterflies and suggests ways to encourage them to your garden

Save our Salvias

Sue Whigham on this easy-to-grow, flowering favourite

Cut Above the Rest

Jo Arnell on the pleasure of growing your own cut flowers

Blooming Good Health

Jo Arnell on why gardening and being outside is not just good for us – it is absolutely essential for our health and wellbeing...

Mediterranean Inspiration

Sue Whigham returns from a magical and inspiring trip to Andalucia...

Containing Your Joy

Growing plants in containers is not only aesthetically pleasing, it can be practical too, says Sue Whigham