Sweet Smell of Summer

Sue Whigham shares her passion for one of the nation’s favourite flowers – the simple, yet delicious, sweet pea

Seeds of Success

Jo Arnell shares her excitement for seed catalogues

Wild Wrapping

When it comes to presenting beautiful gifts, Jo Arnell looks to nature for inspiration...

Earth Matters

Jo Arnell reminds us of the importance of garden soil

Winter Vegetables

Jo Arnell enjoys the earthiness of her seasonal crop

Lay Down Your Shears

Sue Whigham marvels at late-season flowers, seed heads and grasses and urges gardeners to think before pruning

No Shrinking Violets

Sue Whigham pays attention to the ofter overlooked shrubs and trees that provide a welcome burst of autumn and winter colour...

Brilliant Bulbs

Jo Arnell explores the easy answer to next year’s spring show

Hedge Your Bets

Sue Whigham explores the importance of preserving British hedgerows...

Splendour in the Grass

Let ornamental grasses carry your border gently into the autumn and beyond, as Jo Arnell explains...

Strong Front

Sue Whigham laments the demise of the front garden and explores the factors behind its decline and what is being done to ensure its survival...

Summer Bounty

Jo Arnell has her trug at the ready to cash in positively on a gluttonous season in the garden...

Nature’s Table

Sue Whigham explains how to get to grips with a little gentle foraging...

Order, Order!

Jo Arnell tames the vivacious summer garden...

Informal Design

Jo Arnell examines the popularity of cottage gardens...

Born Survivors

Inspired by a trip to Dungeness, Sue Whigham takes a closer look at plants that thrive in shingle...

Spring Fever

It’s not too late to get your veg patch going this May, as Jo Arnell explains...

Light & Frothy

Sue Whigham explores the varied world of umbellifers...

The Barefoot Birdman

Bird expert Dan Mead explains why spring is such a special time in the garden...

Poultry SOS!

Sheila Hume gives valuable advice on how to tackle the most common chicken health problems...

The Moon Gardener

The highest form of organic gardening; Matt Jackson gives us an insight into Lunar & Biodynamic garden husbandry...

Pods of Plenty

Sue Whigham takes a look at peas and beans...

An Annual Affair

Sue Whigham is spoilt for choice as she scours the seed catalogues in search of glorious annuals... “Cosmos are easy to grow, with a long flowering period...”

Read My Leaves

Jo Arnell shares her short cuts to plant knowledge

Natural Predators

Sue Whigham explains how to tackle invasions of common garden beasties the environmentally friendly way...

Leading Veg

Get ahead of the game in the vegetable garden as Jo Arnell discusses early crops to get started with...

Bare Bones & Box Balls

Jo Arnell explains how to create natural structure in the garden all year round...

Strong Foundations

Jo Arnell emphasises that it’s all in the planning when it comes to creating next year’s gorgeous garden...

Little Treasures

Sue Whigham selects the best plants to brighten up the winter garden...

Neat & Tidy

Sue Whigham is busier than ever in the garden ensuring a smooth transition from autumn to winter as she tackles pruning...

Recycle Your Garden

Jo Arnell gets to grips with autumn garden chores whilst being careful to maintain a winter wildlife haven...

Let’s Stay Outside

Follow Jo Arnell’s gardening tips for an irresistibly oriental autumn...

The Latest Buzz

Sue Whigham heads down to Dungeness for news on the reintroduction of the short-haired bumblebee...

Oh My Gourd!

Jo Arnell braves the veg patch to bring us all the info on growing the rather triffid-esque curcubits...

On the Dry Side

Jo Arnell gives her tips on keeping the garden happy and hydrated during the sunnier months...

Little Treasures

Sue Whigham takes a closer look at often-overlooked smaller blooms and the subtle contrast and interest that they can add to gardens of all sizes...

Mind the Gap

Jo Arnell explains how to keep your garden borders full of colour all summer long...

Lean on Me

Sue Whigham stresses the importance of strong foundations in the garden...

Grow Your Own Wedding Flowers

Ensure your wedding’s floral displays are the pick of the bunch by following Jo Arnell’s instructions on the blooms to choose and how to grow them...

A Taste of the Exotic

Sue Whigham slashes the air miles with her recommendations for the tastiest unusual veg to grow at home...

Action Plan

We go behind the scenes with two Wealden gardening pros to find out what fuels their own designs ...

Minimum Effort, Maximum Yield

Jo Arnell shares her advice on choosing the best low maintenance vegetables...

Woodland Wonders

Sue Whigham shares her notes on Wealden trees

Costless Cures

There’s more to many garden weeds than meets the eye, as Sue Whigham explains...

Perfumed Petals

Sue Whigham looks into the history behind the allure of exotic lilies...

Better Borders

Jo Arnell’s tips and tricks on creating enviable planting schemes that will last right through into autumn...

An Annual Affair

Jo Arnell sows the seeds of a colourful summer...

Reaching Out

Sue Whigham delves into ivy’s colourful past...